I normally like Danny’s No Frills in Hamilton, ON. It is usually well kept, clean, stocked and I get good service. More importantly they price match. So today when I was shopping (Nov. 25, 2014 at 1:15 in the afternoon) I let one lady know about a great deal on TP at Walmart. I showed her the Flipp app on my phone and the price. She decided to buy the TP and price match. I told her that I would meet her at the cashier and show them the sale on my phone. I had the actual flyer but it was in the bottom of my cart under a bunch of stuff.
When she got to the cashier I politely stood to the side with my stuff (I was still shopping) and waited to show the cashier the flyer/sale on my phone. She very loudly told me that I could not do that. I was surprised but said okay. I also said that the last time I was there they let me use the Flipp app to price match. I was told, “Unless I was paying for the TP we could not use my phone to price match.”
Okay, so I dug out my flyer and went to hand it to the other customer so she could use it to price match. At that point the cashier told me, “No, she cannot use your flyer. To price match she has to bring in her own flyer.” I never heard of any one refusing to let someone use a flyer, regardless if they brought it in or someone else did. Here is the sad part. The customer had just purchased over a $150 in items. She had the TP separate, and it was the only item she was going to price match. I could have price match most of the items she had and saved a lot of money, but she only wanted to do one price match and the cashier would not let her. To me it goes against their price matching policy. Both the other customer and I were polite and pleasant through the whole thing. The cashier was anything but.
I talked to one of the staff on the floor about their policy and he said he had never heard of anyone refusing to let someone price match using a flyer just because they did not bring it in themselves. However, the cashier was actually yelling at us that the other customer could not price match using my flyer. None of the other cashiers said anything, and trust me everyone heard the cashier.
At this point I decided I was not going to continue my shopping at Danny’s No Frills. I was going to buy what I had in my cart and then finish my shopping at Giorgio’s No Frills. Needless to say I made sure I did not go to her register. I only price matched a couple of items and used a couple of coupons, but I did not want the hassle she was sure to give me if I had gone to her. I am glad that the other shopper I was chatting to earlier took one of my flyers to price match, I had my app and did not need it. I am sure if that cashier had seen me handing it to her she would have tried to stop her from using it.
No Frills advertises the heck out of their price matching to bring people in. After all, every flyer is a No Frills flyer because they will price match. Nowhere does it say you can only use the flyer (or app on a phone) if you bring it in. It does not say you cannot share a flyer, or give one away.
I still like Danny’s No Frills but I have to admit I am thinking about not going there anymore. Not if they are going to use silly rules to prevent people from price matching. I had no issues at Giorgio’s No Frills, and in the past they had no problems with me sharing or giving my flyer to someone else, even if they were in front or behind me in line. So Giorgio’s No Frills is getting my business; even though Danny’s No Frills is the bigger store with more products. Customer service counts for a lot these days. After all I can choose to price match at any other No Frills, Walmart, Target and Freshco.