Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sick day turns into a fun tent day

My kids were both sick with colds so I kept them home just to be on the safe side. However I was not expecting to enjoy the day at home, trapped in a house with two kids not feeling very well. Then the cold medicine kicked in and I had two grumpy kids full of energy.

My kids decided all on their own that it was tent day. We pulled in the chairs from the kitchen and just about everything else the kids could get their hands on and they built a fort (with a little bit of help from Mom). The kids spent most of the day building and rebuilding the fort. The rest of the time was spent in the fort playing with each other and watching TV. They even made rooms for each of them to hang out and a living room that fit both of them, right in front of the TV. The only problem we had was when a blanket knocked down the bowl of chips. But the mess was soon cleaned up and they were off again.

The funny part was other then having me help out a little bit they did not want my attention, the tent was just to much fun. I kind of missed it, but at the same time did not mind that they were playing so well together for two grumpy sick kids. What could have been a difficult miserable day turned into a pretty good day simply because I let the kids do what they wanted to instead of worrying about the mess they were making.


  1. I had a sick grumpy kid last night (it must be going around) and decided to give her some all natural medication (something I picked up from Wal-Mart). Well this medication was supposed to be sugar-free but I kid you not, she was bouncing off walls. She was running and spinning and running more just minutes after puking. What's in these meds, caffeine?

    Glad you had fun. Sometimes life is better when you give yourself permission to enjoy it's simple pleasures.

  2. I had a sick grumpy kid last night (must be gowing around) and gave her some all natural medication (something I picked up from Wal-Mart). Well this medication was supposed to be sugar-free but I kid you not, she was bouncing off walls. She was running and spinning and running more just minutes after puking. What's in these meds caffeine? Smart kids and creative too. Glad you had fun. Sometimes life is better when you give yourself permission to enjoy it's simple pleasures.

  3. hi there, thanks for visiting my site... :) yes, i'd love to exchange links and have added you to my blog list already... please add me to yours as well... :)

    anyway, i hope your kids feel better soon... :) i'm a bit o.c. so it's a bit hard for me to ignore messes made by my kid, but as long as it's in their room i'm fine with it... :)
